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09-11 years national large medical equipment configuration plan b

Provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the TingJu health:

According to the configuration and the use of large medical equipment management regulation and the health ministry office on printing and distributing the 2009-2011 the large-scale medical equipment configuration planning b > instruction opinion circular (who do [2009 rules wealth: 67) requirements, in accordance with the quantity control and adjust layout, strict access, effective use and orderly growth for you, the principle of the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) 2009-2011 b large medical equipment configuration planning for the review. Now will approve configuration planning KongZhiShu (see annex) issued to you, and will plan, further strengthen the large medical equipment management work in the following requirements:

A, conscientiously implement the CPC central committee and the state council on deepening the reform of medical care system related to strictly control the opinions of large-scale medical equipment configuration of the spirit. All within their jurisdiction shall organize health administrative departments at all levels and the relevant medical institutions seriously study the management of medical equipment of large policy and system, further improve the understanding, take effective measures, and actively guide for medical institutions, prevent blindly applied technology, equipment configuration, strictly prevent illegal determined public medical institutions, adopt a cooperative medical equipment imported into form large public medical institutions, maintaining the pro bono, for solving the problem, your efforts.

Second, standardize examination in configuration. According to an orderly around, fairness and transparency, the principle of honesty and high efficiency, strictly according to the basic requirements, the medical institution approved allocation in the configuration planning, organizing KongZhiShu large medical equipment configuration and work. The annual examination results must be different province in June 10, and 12 month 10 points twice daily submitted.

Third, strictly enforce the ladder configuration policy. CT, MRI, three types of equipment and LA according to clinical practice and research, clinical research and clinical 3 class level of ladder. And when all function, should according to the technical level, the development and the crowd healthy demand factors clearly medical institutions above type equipment. Provincial and regional higher levels of only three level of first-class hospital scientific research, in principle, configuration of equipment at or above the county level shall configuration clinical research medical institution. Clinical research and clinical research of two types of equipment for examination and approval shall be in the daily newspaper within 5 working days.

I have to study for professional guidance and aircraft ladder configuration, recently released across for implementation.

Fourth, to fully implement the administration accountability system. According to the CPC central committee and the state council "about implement party cadres accountability the interim provisions on the requirements and establish large medical equipment configuration and application management work responsibility system, strengthening health administrative departments at all levels and the medical institution. To perform regulatory responsibilities earnestly, planning, excessive approval and illegal allocation and use large medical equipment, serious criminal responsibility under the leadership of the related.

Five, accelerate the centralized purchasing. According to the health ministry on further strengthening centralized purchasing management of medical equipment, notice required to strengthen leadership, make full use of existing centralized purchasing platform, promote b large medical equipment, centralized purchasing work purehasing behavior, and strive to reduce costs.

Six, focus on the following quality control and norms. To establish a large medical equipment management system, to guarantee the quality control and quality inspection work daily regular normal. Aging, performance, ensuring the quality of second-hand equipment will be resolutely or more hands out to protect operators, and maintaining patients benefit. To further strengthen business training, the organization carries out the clinical diagnosis standard, education, improve operation technology training primary medical institution operation personnel professional quality, and to enhance the application level of large-scale medical equipment.

The September 15  2009

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